MPS Algebra

Construct MPO (set flat=False if you want to test pure python code):

from pyblock3.hamiltonian import Hamiltonian
from pyblock3.fcidump import FCIDUMP

fd = 'data/HUBBARD-L8.FCIDUMP'
hamil = Hamiltonian(FCIDUMP(pg='c1').read(fd), flat=True)
mpo = hamil.build_qc_mpo()

Construct (random initial) MPS:

bond_dim = 100
mps = hamil.build_mps(bond_dim)

Expectation value:

import numpy as np, mpo @ mps)

Block-sparse tensor algebra:

np.tensordot(mps[0], mps[1], axes=1)

MPS canonicalization:

print("MPS = ", mps.show_bond_dims())
mps = mps.canonicalize(center=0)
mps /= mps.norm()
print("MPS = ", mps.show_bond_dims()

Check norm after normalization:, mps)

MPO Compression:

print("MPO = ", mpo.show_bond_dims())
mpo, _ = mpo.compress(left=True, cutoff=1E-12, norm_cutoff=1E-12)
print("MPO = ", mpo.show_bond_dims())


from pyblock3.algebra.mpe import MPE
dmrg = MPE(mps, mpo, mps).dmrg(bdims=[bond_dim], noises=[1E-6, 0], dav_thrds=[1E-3], iprint=2, n_sweeps=10)
ener = dmrg.energies[-1]
print("Energy = %20.12f" % ener)

Check ground-state energy:

print('MPS energy = ',, mpo @ mps))

Check that ground-state MPS is normalized:

print('MPS = ', mps.show_bond_dims())
print('MPS norm = ', mps.norm())

MPS Scaling

MPS scaling (by scaling the first MPS tensor):

mps.opts = {}
print('2 MPS = ', (2 * mps).show_bond_dims())
print((2 * mps).norm())

Check the first MPS tensor:



(2 * mps)[0]

MPS Addition

MPS addition will increase the bond dimension:

mps_add = mps + mps
print('MPS + MPS = ', mps_add.show_bond_dims())

Check the overlap \(<2MPS|MPS+MPS>\):

mps_add @ (2 * mps)

MPS Canonicalization

Left canonicalization:

lmps = mps_add.canonicalize(center=mps_add.n_sites - 1)
print('L-MPS = ', lmps.show_bond_dims())

Right canonicalization:

rmps = mps_add.canonicalize(center=0)
print('R-MPS = ', rmps.show_bond_dims())

Check the overlap \(<LMPS|RMPS>\):

lmps @ rmps

MPS Compression

Compression will first do canonicalization from left to right, then do SVD from right to left.

This can further decrease bond dimension of MPS.

print('MPS + MPS = ', mps_add.show_bond_dims())
mps_add, _ = mps_add.compress(cutoff=1E-9)
print('MPS + MPS = ', mps_add.show_bond_dims())

MPS Subtraction

Subtractoin will also increase bond dimension:

mps_minus = mps - mps
print('MPS - MPS = ', mps_minus.show_bond_dims())

After compression, this is zero:

mps_minus, _ = mps_minus.compress(cutoff=1E-12)
print('MPS - MPS = ', mps_minus.show_bond_dims())

MPS Bond Dimension Truncation

Apply MPO two times to MPS:

hhmps = mpo @ (mpo @ mps)
print(np.sqrt(hhmps @ mps))

MPS compression can be used to reduce bond dimension (to FCI):

hhmps, cps_error = hhmps.compress(cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt(hhmps @ mps))

Truncation to bond dimension 100 will introduce a small error:

hhmps, cps_error = hhmps.compress(max_bond_dim=100, cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt(hhmps @ mps))

Truncation to bond dimension 30 will introduce a larger error:

hhmps, cps_error = hhmps.compress(max_bond_dim=30, cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt(hhmps @ mps))

MPO-MPO Contraction

One can also first contract two MPO:

h2 = mpo @ mpo

Check expectation value:

print(np.sqrt((h2 @ mps) @ mps))

MPO Bond Dimension Truncation

Compression MPO (keeping accuracy):

h2, cps_error = h2.compress(cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt((h2 @ mps) @ mps))

MPO Truncated to bond dimension 15:

h2, cps_error = h2.compress(max_bond_dim=15, cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt((h2 @ mps) @ mps))

MPO Truncated to bond dimension 12:

h2, cps_error = h2.compress(max_bond_dim=12, cutoff=1E-12)
print('error = ', cps_error)
print(np.sqrt((h2 @ mps) @ mps))