Finite-Temperature DMRG


  • Feiguin, A. E., White, S. R. Finite-temperature density matrix renormalization using an enlarged Hilbert space. Physical Review B 2005, 72, 220401.

  • Feiguin, A. E., White, S. R. Time-step targeting methods for real-time dynamics using the density matrix renormalization group. Physical Review B 2005, 72, 020404.

Here is an example for calculating \(\exp(-\beta/2\cdot H) |\psi\rangle\).


from pyblock3.algebra.integrate import rk4_apply
from pyblock3.hamiltonian import Hamiltonian
from pyblock3.fcidump import FCIDUMP
import numpy as np
import time
from functools import reduce

flat = False
cutoff = 1E-12

Ancilla Approach

fd = 'data/H8.STO6G.R1.8.FCIDUMP'
hamil = Hamiltonian(FCIDUMP(pg='d2h', mu=-1.0).read(fd), flat=flat)

mps = hamil.build_ancilla_mps()
mpo = hamil.build_ancilla_mpo(hamil.build_qc_mpo())
mpo.const = 0.0

print('MPS = ', mps.show_bond_dims())
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims())
mpo, error = mpo.compress(cutoff=cutoff)
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims(), error)

init_e =, mpo @ mps) /, mps)
print('Initial Energy = ', init_e)
print('Error          = ', init_e - 0.3124038410492045)

mps.opts = dict(max_bond_dim=200, cutoff=cutoff)
beta = 0.01
tt = time.perf_counter()
fmps = rk4_apply((-beta / 2) * mpo, mps)
ener =, mpo @ fmps) /, fmps)
print('time = ', time.perf_counter() - tt)
print('Energy = ', ener)
print('Error  = ', ener - 0.2408363230374028)

Matrix Product Ancilla Operator Approach

Here, the ancilla MPS is contracted to an MPO, where both the physical and the auxiliary dimension is located on one site each.

mps = hamil.build_ancilla_mps()
mps.tensors = [a.hdot(b) for a, b in zip(mps.tensors[0::2], mps.tensors[1::2])]
mpo = hamil.build_qc_mpo()
mpo.const = 0.0

print('MPS = ', mps.show_bond_dims())
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims())
mpo, _ = mpo.compress(cutoff=cutoff)
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims())

init_e =, mpo @ mps) /, mps)
print('Initial Energy = ', init_e)
print('Error          = ', init_e - 0.3124038410492045)

mps.opts = dict(max_bond_dim=200, cutoff=cutoff)
beta = 0.01
tt = time.perf_counter()
fmps = rk4_apply((-beta / 2) * mpo, mps)
ener =, mpo @ fmps) /, fmps)
print('time = ', time.perf_counter() - tt)
print('Energy = ', ener)
print('Error  = ', ener - 0.2408363230374028)

Time-Step Targeting Approach

The more efficient way of imaginary time evolution is using Time-Step Targeting Approach:

from pyblock3.hamiltonian import Hamiltonian
from pyblock3.fcidump import FCIDUMP
from pyblock3.algebra.mpe import MPE
import numpy as np
import time

flat = True
cutoff = 1E-12

fd = '../data/H8.STO6G.R1.8.FCIDUMP'
hamil = Hamiltonian(FCIDUMP(pg='d2h', mu=-1.0).read(fd), flat=flat)

mps = hamil.build_ancilla_mps()
mpo = hamil.build_qc_mpo()
mpo = hamil.build_ancilla_mpo(mpo)
mpo.const = 0.0

print('MPS = ', mps.show_bond_dims())
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims())
mpo, error = mpo.compress(cutoff=cutoff)
print('MPO = ', mpo.show_bond_dims(), error)

init_e =, mpo @ mps) /, mps)
print('Initial Energy = ', init_e)
print('Error          = ', init_e - 0.3124038410492045)

beta = 0.05
mpe = MPE(mps, mpo, mps)
mpe.tddmrg(bdims=[500], dt=-beta / 2, iprint=2, n_sweeps=1, n_sub_sweeps=6)
mpe.tddmrg(bdims=[500], dt=-beta / 2, iprint=2, n_sweeps=9, n_sub_sweeps=2)